Wellpappe instead of plastic: the small difference and its big consequences
Corrugated cardboard or plastic? A study by the University of Freiburg shows the difference that can be made by choosing the right packaging material. If you want to improve your company's environmental performance, there are a number of things you can do right now.
The research group ‘Circulus – Transformation Paths and Obstacles to a Sustainable Circular Economy in the Bioeconomy’ at the University of Freiburg conducted a comparative study to determine the CO2 footprint of a basket for 500 g of fruit in two material variants – PET plastic and corrugated cardboard.
Background: Packaging is a crucial variable in the value chain; in the fruit and vegetable sector, 63 per cent of products are sold packaged. The environmental impact of the two packaging variants was determined and compared over their entire life cycle – from the production of the materials used to their recycling. As a member of the ‘Ecological Packaging’ forum, we supported the study in terms of content and provided important data specifically on the corrugated board packaging that was examined.
The comparison of the ecological balance shows a clear picture: over its entire life cycle, the PET basket causes 2.2 times more CO2 than the corrugated cardboard alternative. This large difference can be explained primarily by the potential to reduce greenhouse gases and by different recycling rates: On average, corrugated board is 89 per cent recycled, while PET plastic is between 10 and 50 per cent recycled. Replacing the PET fruit baskets (produced in 2018) on the German market with corrugated board could reduce annual CO2 emissions from the production of fruit baskets by up to 34 per cent.
Saving CO2 - a must for companies
A third lessCO2 by using Wellpappe instead of plastic - this is possible with the 500 gram fruit baskets. "Above all, this high value illustrates the important contribution that individual market segments can and must make to environmental and climate protection," says Christian Hössle, Head of Central Development at the Klingele Paper & Packaging Group. According to the EU Commission's target, Europe should be climate-neutral by 2050, and 55 per cent fewer greenhouse gases should be released into the atmosphere by 2030 than in 1990 (source: EU Commission press release).
We can and must all set the course for this today: "The study has made it clear that many supposedly small levers that we move simultaneously will have the desired effect in total," says Hössle. We can provide you with the best possible support when it comes to sustainability: For example, if you use our corrugated cardboard baskets for fruit and vegetables, you can be sure that you are getting a sustainable packaging solution from a single source - from glue made from purely natural starch to paper made from up to 100 per cent recycled paper and electricity generated in-house from largely renewable energy sources.
Cooperation with the scientific community
Cooperation with university research is an important component of Klingele's corporate philosophy. Klingele provided the research material for the Circulus study at the University of Freiburg. "The study clearly confirmed the value and benefits of packaging made from Wellpappe," comments Christian Hössle. "However, this is no reason for us to sit back and relax, as we are committed to continuing to manufacture our products as resource-efficiently as possible. To this end, we are constantly working on improvements. In particular, we are focussing on the efficient use of energy, the use of renewable sources and sustainable water management."
We maintain a regular dialogue with scientific and research institutions in order to keep our finger on the pulse, particularly in the areas of recycling management and energy management.
We have an interest in having our packaging solutions analysed by independent institutions - also with regard to potential improvements to our own processes.
Christian Hössle, Head of Central Development
The study also provides tips for retailers:
Packaging solutions
Customised, sustainable, safe: Corrugated cardboard packaging is optimally adapted to the contents, protects your goods, creates buying impulses and special experiences for customers.