Innovation Academy: co-creation with our European innovation experts

A person with a corrugated cardboard box in his hand

Who are the innovation experts and what is their role?

Our team of experts consists of innovation representatives from the respective members of the Blue Box Partner Alliance (see below for more information).

And this is how they describe themselves:

‘We are a group of pragmatic and entrepreneurial colleagues who have made it our mission to develop sustainable packaging solutions made of corrugated board that offer our customers worldwide added value.’

The team believes that the best way to find innovative solutions is to gain a thorough understanding of the customer's problem and then involve the customer in the creative process.

How do we effectively implement the co-creation process?

We organise exclusive innovation circles in which customers come together with experts from various fields (marketing, R&D, designers, production managers) and a partner from the European innovation network.

Based on a design thinking method led by the Board of Innovation + Michiel MOL and Robin VERMEULEN, we want to develop prototypes quickly and thus accelerate projects that are already in the pipeline or will be in the near future.

Although it was a remote event, it was very interactive. I really appreciate the enthusiasm with which you work on the topic.

European Packaging Engineer

Due to the great success(approval rate 8.34/10), the innovation representatives have decided to continue this very valuable and customer-oriented event format and offer four dates for 2022. Make a note of the dates now!

  • March 2022 (exact date to be announced) - Topic: How can we develop alternatives to single-use plastic in the beverage industry? - France - already fully booked
  • 10 and 11 May 2022 - Topic: How can the impact of e-commerce on the supply chain be taken into account? - Location to be determined
  • 13 to 15 September 2022 - Topic: How to identify paper-based packaging alternatives for your company? - Location to be determined
  • 15 to 17 November 2022 - Topic: How can we imagine the future of e-commerce? - Location to be determined

More information on the content and programme can be found here.

Would you like to work on your questions together with our innovation team? !

Find out more about the programme and its content here:

Creation of the European Pilots team

In January 2021, our Chief Innovation Officer Daphne Vogelsang decided to respond to requests from international customers by setting up a dedicated innovation team. The aim is to work together on the most important strategic packaging topics of the moment, such as sustainability and e-commerce.

This team includes packaging design experts from the Alliance with complementary profiles:

Most of them have already been certified in 2019 for the FFP certification certification.

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