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New logistic centre in Delmenhorst plant

A block warehouse increases supply speed and security - highly-efficient store management with RFID technology.

Remshalden/Stuttgart, 08. October 2014 – The Klingele Group, one of the leading independent manufacturers of corrugated raw paper cardboard and packaging, is currently engaged in the construction of a new logistics centre at its Delmenhorst site. The opening is planned for January 2015; around 6.8 million Euros will be invested. Spread over an area of 19.800 m2, the new centre provides space for up to 18,500 pallets. This not only enables a high stock turnover and an above-average delivery speed, the deployment of RFID technology also provides highly-efficient store management with the lowest-possible error rate.  The bearing structure of the warehouse is set up to accommodate a photovoltaic plant to supply the hall with green energy.

Seeking to respond to increasing orders and high customer demands for punctuality and rapid delivery, Klingele has operated a number of warehouses in North Germany over the last years. The cost-intensive and process-intensive nature of this form of storage led Klingele to consider a range of alternatives.  The establishment of this new block warehouse means that nearly all Klingele logistics are concentrated at this location. The processes within the supply chain can be subject to constant development.

"The decision to buck the trend and invest in a block warehouse rather than a high rack storage solution represents a conscious decision", explained the works manager Patrick Ginter. "A block warehouse provides greater flexibility in terms of the storage of different packaging and pallet sizes and future requirements." The warehouse is also designed to accommodate extra machinery. "A high rack storage warehouse would not bring any advantages, which a block warehouse with its RFID-assisted processes could not provide." Moreover, the extreme differences in product size with which we are required to deal in our branch make it difficult to make full use of the capacities provided by a high rack storage warehouse."

The high efficiency of the new logistics centre comes from the use of RFID technology, allowing precise storage management. A warehouse management software generates a high level of stock security - the error rate with inventories lies at under 0.02%. The loading of an incorrect article is no longer possible. The fast traceability of products and good process organization enables Klingele to load a lorry in less than an average of 30 minutes, irrespective of its product mix. 

"In addition to the high product quality, pronounced customer-orientation and creativity in the development of packaging, reliable and efficient logistics is a key factor in our company success" thus the Managing Director, Dr. Jan Klingele. "To this end, we seek to make targeted investments in a logistics concept which guarantees our customers the maximum of reliability and speed; we benefit from the highest-possible level of flexibility in warehousing and our future business development.  As a family-run company that is aware of its responsibilities towards our surroundings, we place considerable importance on good working relations with our neighbours. The construction of a block warehouse also represents a good decision in this respect."