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packaging development

Innovative Verpackungsentwicklung ist nachhaltig

Innovative packaging development is sustainable

Customer benefits and protection of the environment are always in the forefront of our packaging development process. We continuously strive to improve our packaging concepts with regard to the use of material and natural resources - and also develop new solutions with innovations such as D flute and FastFix, as well as special packaging designs for specific sectors. The aim is always to achieve an optimum blend of excellent product protection, careful use of natural resources and cost efficiency.

D flute

D flute is an eco-friendly and economically-attractive alternative to B flute: it is thinner and enables up to 26 percent greater pallet capacity. This reduces handling, logistics costs and the carbon footprint. It offers an excellent printing surface for a brilliant image thanks to its narrow flute pitch - an optimum showcase for your products!


FastFix is an eco-friendly solution which benefits both people and planet. The concept consists of a corrugated box made of recycled paper and an insert of flexible depth from the same material, which secures goods in place during transport. Packing material, such as plastic chips, bubble wrap or similar, is no longer necessary - a huge bonus for the environment!

Verpackungslösung, die Produkte sicher fixiert ohne Luftpolsterfolie oder anderes Füllmaterial.

World Star Award

Resource efficiency, product protection and effective advertising. Our single-shipment packaging for glass bottles ensures that valuable products can be shipped safely without a thought! This concept received a World Star Award in the drinks category from the World Packaging Organisation (WPO)!

Recyclebare Versandverpackung für Glasflaschen