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Innovative retail packaging

Material-saving tray enhances sales promotion

17.03.2010 - More and more retailers are demanding transport packaging with a promotional character to increase sales. Ideally, it should be possible to take the packaging from the pallet and put it straight onto the shelf.

Our packaging development experts have designed an innovative tray with a difference; firstly, it allows merchandise to be displayed more attractively, and secondly, it requires less material than conventional trays.

Enlarged facing aperture

The distinguishing feature of the new tray is that it has only two integrated stacking lugs located diagonally, allowing the height of the opposite edge of the tray to be reduced. As a result, the tray has a practical larger aperture in the facing. The merchandise on display can now be removed from the front and from the side, as well as being more visible.

Safe stacking – although there are fewer stacking lugs – is guaranteed by the slightly raked vertical configuration of the edges. The tray is constructed for easy handling in the shop with fast sales in mind, as well as offering easy, efficient and time-saving stackability. The die-cuts fit snugly within one another when stacked, so a considerable amount of material is also saved.

“We demonstrate our innovative spirit across all areas – not simply in terms of technology, but also with regard to our products themselves,” says Dr. Jan Klingele, Managing Partner of the Klingele Group.