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Klingele donation to SEZ

Klingele Papierwerke underlines the company's social engagement through a donation to the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ)

Remshalden/Stuttgart, 16 January 2013 – As a company whose philosophy has traditionally contained a firm element of sustainability, social responsibility is one of the most important maxims of Klingele Papierwerke GmbH & Co. KG, along with a pronounced tendency towards ecological and economical principles. This holds true both inside and outside the doors of the company. Among the numerous social contributions of the company is its continuous support for the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ), which initiates and promotes private, community, and regional development projects in Baden-Württemberg.

One of Germany's leading manufacturers of raw paper for corrugated board and corrugated cardboard packaging, Klingele Papierwerke, based in Remshalden, is specially acknowledging the work of the Foundation in promoting the schooling of children in Africa by means of another donation, this time of 10,000 euros. 

"As both a regionally and internationally active company, we are aware of the importance of good social conditions when it comes to sustainable and successful development," stresses Dr. Jan Klingele, Managing Partner of Klingele Papierwerke. "And that's why the Foundation's promotion areas – particularly education and health – are so close to our hearts. In addition, over the years we have been convinced of the trustworthiness of the SEZ. We're absolutely certain that the money we donate will really be used for the intended projects. That's why we are happy to be supporting the work of the Foundation and its Director, Dr. Karl-Hans Schmid, again this year – both financially and through organizational measures."

The SEZ was founded in 1991 and is based in Stuttgart. It acts as a central service point for development cooperation and policy in Baden-Württemberg and has the task of making the public aware of global issues and supporting development policy initiatives through advisory services. The Foundation actively encourages citizens to get involved and promotes projects which encourage self-help in fields such as education, training, health, and basic infrastructure in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.