Ribeira hydroelectric power station
Ribeira hydroelectric power station

Ribeira hydroelectric power station

The power plant in Catas Altas supplies electricity to the Nova Campina paper mill

Energy for Nova Campina paper mill

Production of kraftliner and speciality papers from fresh and waste paper in various sizes and weights

The hydroelectric power plant in Catas Altas has been making a significant contribution to the energy supply for paper production since 1962. With 12 employees, it generates 24,790 MWh of electricity every year, covering 26% of the energy requirements of the Nova Campina paper mill 50 kilometres away and harnesses the environmentally friendly power of hydroelectricity.



The Ribeira hydropower plant employs 12 people


The hydropower plant has been producing green electricity since 1962
24.790 GWh

Production capacity

Every year, our power plant produces over 24,790 GWh of electrical energy

Kraftliner factory in Nova Campina, Brazil

Energy is supplied by the company's own hydroelectric power plant, its own sewage treatment plant and its own biomass cogeneration plant.

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Contact us

Do you have any questions about our services or products? We will be happy to help you.

Jose Sabino

Jose Sabino

Plant Manager, Commercial Management
Ângelo Teixeira Junior

Ângelo Teixeira Junior

Plant Manager
Nova Campina paper mill


Klingele Paper Nova Campina Ltda.

Catas Altas
18.380-000 Ribeira
S.P. Brazil

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