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Realisation with a system

Ever-increasing demands on the packaging present a particular challenge for the development. This has to take into account not only the product to be packaged but also the requirements of the entire logistics chain through to the handling by the person receiving it. You can rely on our decades of experience and the many innovative ideas of our employees when developing different packaging concepts, because each and every one of our customers places very individual demands on our packaging.


From the development in the CAD system ...


... and the sampling on plotters ...


... to the individual solution!

Packaging optimisation

There is great potential in the optimisation of existing packaging. We are dedicated to improving the technical properties of your packaging. Weaknesses in the packaging that is currently used motivate us to come up with new ideas and innovations in packaging technology. We analyse the processes within your packaging logistics, including picking, shipping, storage and transport, for successful product optimisation.

Optimum pallet utilisation

We advise you on optimum pallet utilisation. We use special software to find the optimum pallet configuration and coordinate your logistics processes.

3D animation

We use state-of-the-art CAD technology to develop packaging. You therefore know what your packaging will look like from the outset. Changes can be visualised and discussed in the coordination process.

  • Preview of packaging solutions
  • Folding and assembly instructions

Innovation database

With almost 100 years of experience in the Klingele Group, our know-how is one of our greatest assets. Every employee throughout the company can access the innovation database, take on developments that have already been successful and enhance them for their customers.